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Meditation to heal Addictions 

We all have habits that we are better off without! Sometimes a habit can be a thinking pattern, or an emotional pattern. It can also be a physical thing or even a consumption pattern that is not good for your body, mind or spirit. Habits tend to take over our lives and we are unable to change no matter how much we want to change. It takes patience, commitment and discipline to heal yourself but it IS possible and kundalini yoga can help. The following Kundalini Yoga meditation helps to heal negative habits. Try it out and see what happens. You can also find this information on and


Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh. Straighten the spine and make sure the first six lower vertebrae are locked forward.

Eyes: Keep the eyes closed and focus at the Brow Point.


Mudra: Make fists of both hands and extend the thumbs straight. Place the thumbs on the temples and find the niche where the thumbs just fit. Lock the back molars together and keep the lips closed. Keeping the teeth pressed together throughout, alternately squeeze the molars tightly and then release the pressure. A muscle will move in rhythm under the thumbs. Feel it massage the thumbs and apply a firm pressure with the hands. Silently vibrate the five primal sounds—the Panj Shabd—SAA-TAA-NAA-MAA, at the brow.

Time: Continue for 3-7 minutes. With practice the time can be increased to 20 minutes and ultimately to 31 minutes.


This meditation is one of a class of meditations that will become well known to the future medical society. Meditation will be used to alleviate all kinds of mental and physical afflictions. But it may be as many as 500 years, however, before the new medical science will understand the effects of this kind of meditation well enough to delineate and measure all its parameters. The pressure exerted by the thumbs triggers a rhythmic reflex current into the central brain. This current activates the brain area directly underneath the stem of the pineal gland. It is an imbalance in this area that makes mental and physical addictions seemingly unbreakable.

In modern culture, this imbalance is pandemic. If we are not addicted to smoking, eating, drinking, or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc. All of these lead us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns. Imbalance in this pineal area upsets the radiance of the pineal gland itself. It is this pulsating radiance that regulates the pituitary gland. Since the pituitary regulates the rest of the glandular system, the entire body and mind go out of balance. This meditation corrects the problem. It is excellent for everyone but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

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